You are facing problem that IDM has been registered with fake serial number Pop up issue
Here is the way to disable pop up fake serial number idm
1. First of all, Go to run and Type "regedit"
2 Then Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > DownloadManager >
3 Find "CheckUpdtVM" and Change it's value data to 0(ZERO)
It should work. But still if you face such problem,
1. Go to Start>>Run
2. Type Regedit
3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > DownloadManager >
4. Delete Folder "Download Manager"
5. Exit IDM from the taskbar.
6. Restart your PC
7. Go to directory C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\
8. Open the "hosts" file in the "notepad".
9. On the last line enter below line words.
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